2022年11月18日上午,美国明尼苏达大学曹新宇(Jason Cao)教授为太阳成集团tyc4633师生举办“机器学习在交通行为非线性研究中的探索”学术讲座。受疫情影响,本次讲座以线上形式举办,校长助理、学院院长杜强教授主持,学院200多名师生参加讲座。
主讲人介绍:Jason Cao is a professor at the University of Minnesota. Prof. Cao specializes in land use and transportation interaction, the effects of ICT on travel behavior, and planning for quality of life. He is internationally well-known for his research on residential self-selection in the relationships between the built environment and travel behavior. His recent work focuses on non-linear relationships in land use and transportation research and planning for travel satisfaction, neighborhood satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Jason leads research development in the fields of planning and transportation by editing journals and special issues. Prof. Cao published over 120 papers and H-index 54. He is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part D, a leading journal in transportation research. He guest edited eight issues for six journals, including Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Transport and Land Use, Transport Policy, Transportation Letters, Transportation Research Part D, and Travel Behavior and Society.
供稿:陈迁 审核:樊建强